trom the Los Angeles County Sheriff's Department
Congresswoman Judy Chu of the 32nd Congressional District recognized the Altadena Sheriff's Community Emergency Response Team (CERT) for their efforts in forming a structured CERT plan and local CERT management team together to build a comprehensive partnership of government, private and non-profits in the area.
Chu gave the recognition at a CERT training meeting Sunday, Aug. 18 at the Altadena Community Center.
Altadena Sheriff's CERT is one of the fastest growing grassroots community based CERT programs within the unincorporated areas of Los Angeles County. With recent events affecting the region, the attention to programs such as CERT have brought renewed growth and interest in family and individual preparedness at home and at work. This effort was made possible with established community leadership from the Sheriff's Community Advisory Committee, Altadena Town Council, and Neighborhood Watch Groups.
The evenings community meeting also gave the Altadena CERT the ability to have presentations that highlighted and updated information to the audience with representatives from FEMA and the Sheriff's Department. Discussion on topics of communication within CERT and networking throughout the community to strive for better understandings of the complexity of disaster response and recovery efforts and roles of other governmental, private and utility service agencies from the local level up to the federal level.
Several CERT members recently attended training and brought back information to share from the County Office of Public Health. This material will assist Altadena CERT in enhancing the Department's community outreach efforts in providing educational disaster preparedness classes and lectures throughout the community.
For postings of our upcoming LASD CERT classes visit the Regional Community Policing Institute-California website at www.rcpi-ca.org