Ok, that was the most strained headline of our career. Bill Westphal, the camera guy, tells us that:
Comet Holmes, normally only visible with the aid of telescopes, has suddenly become brighter after emitting a large dust cloud. Now usually somewhat visible with the naked eye, it is definitely visible with binoculars.
To find the comet, go outside a couple of hours after sunset and face between north and northeast. Locate the W-shaped constellation Cassiopeia. Then look to the lower right at the 5 o'clock position for the constellation Perseus, a fainter grouping of stars. The stars will be sharp dots of light. The comet will be fuzzy, slightly larger that the surrounding stars.
The comet appears as a fuzzy dot with no tail.
The Altadena WeatherCam Captured a pretty good image of the comet this evening.
Go out and take a look.