The Pasadena-Altadena Block-by-Block Coalition is looking for volunteers to help out Sun., Jan. 13, from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. to help clean up the area around Muir High. San Gabriel Valley Tribune says:
With city officials' help, group members plan to dispose of trash and other debris that lines the Lincoln Avenue sidewalks from the freeway to Wyoming Street. They might also place mulch in the dirt beds of trees lining the walkways.
And this word from Altadena Town Councilman Bobby Thompson, whose district is just north of Muir:
"It's like a gateway to Altadena from the freeway," he said of Lincoln Avenue. "Hopefully as people leave the freeway they can see a progression of cleanliness."
For information on volunteering for this great community event, call (626) 794-3953, or just show up at Muir.