Lincoln Crossing minority partner (20%) Ray Carlisle got an earful from his tenants at Monday's county meeting regarding the troubled project. Leaks and flooding, sewage odors, and a rent increase with a cherry on top. Bad news is plentiful -- Bessie's Daughter's Soulful Tacos, an Altadenablog favorite, is shutting down, at least temporarily, because of the odor problem, and Farm Fresh is suing Dorn Platz, the 80% partner, over rent increases. Oh, yes, and Acacia St. has to be torn up because the sewer line failed inspection. According to the story, Carlisle seemed reasonable -- after all, he's got a lot invested in this, and he wants it to succeed -- but Supv. Antonovich's rep says that the Dorn Platz problems don't rise to the level of "significant misdeeds" that would cause the county to take it over. Pasadena Now has all the deets.