Altadena Conservancy sends us this notice about a meeting tonight:
Native Plant Gardening Tips Talk *
Learn about gardening with native plants Wednesday, February 27, at 7:30
p.m. at the Altadena Community Center, 730 East Altadena Drive.Barbara Eisenstein, horticultural outreach and education coordinator at
Rancho Santa Ana Botanic Garden, will give a lively illustrated
presentation of practical tips on gardening with California native
species. Increased use of native plants in residential and public spaces
saves water, saves money, create wildlife habitat, and helps create
beautiful "California Sublime" landscapes appropriate to Southern
California's climate. Eisenstein will demystify the difficulties and
share secrets of keeping California natives happy in your garden. The
talk is free. Note that although Altadena Drive is torn up, you can
safely drive to the Altadena Community Center.