One of Altadena's treasures is Nuccio's Nursery, world-famous for their hybridization of azeleas and camellias. (Nuccio's is the go-to place for advice on camellias, as this recent SacBee story attests). Altadena Heritage will present "Breakfast at Nuccio's" on Sun., Feb. 24, from 9-11 a.m. Altadena historian/town council member Michele Zack will talk about Altadena's "nursuried past," Julius Nuccio will tell the story of his family business, and Liz Handy will take us on a "Journey Through Tea" -- and a small breakfast will be served. A donation of $10 from non-members is requested (memberships can be purchased at the door) Nuccio's is at 3555 Chaney Trail, and parking is limited (so hike, bike, or carpool if you can).