Altadena's weather eye Bill Westphal reports:
We’ve had 21.81” of rain so far this season at my Weather Station. And hopefully we’ll get a little more before the end of the season (June 30). Not a bad year as far as rain goes.
I was in my back yard this past weekend and went to change the water in the little Kiddy Pool that we use for our dog’s water dish (Big Dog). It was filled to the brim with rain water. But it was also filled with Mosquito Larvae. I don’t recall ever seeing that many appear in such a short time.
The weather is going to start warming up as spring approaches. It’s time to start worrying about mosquitoes. Check your yards for any standing water. Buckets, wheelbarrows, watering cans, even plant saucers can become a breeding ground for Mosquito Larvae.
If you find some, simply dump the water out. Without the water, the Mosquito Larvae cannot complete their Life Cycle.
To learn more about Mosquitoes, what steps you can take to eliminate Mosquitoes or to report a problem, visit the Los Angeles County Vector Control at:
Mrs. Altadenablog (who is also DOCTOR Mrs. Altadenablog) reminds us of the continuing possibility of West Nile disease as the weather gets warmer. So we guess we better dump out that wheelbarrow in the back yard!