Noted local historian Elizabeth Pomeroy will lead a hike on March 15 up El Prieto Canyon to the site of the Brown cabin and Owen Brown gravesite at Little Round Top. The new trail to the gravesite was recently completed, and description of the hike (auspices of the Sierra Club) is as follows:
Hike to Little Round Top-Moderately easy 5 mile, 800' gain hike along
Arroyo Seco tributary to home site of Owen and Jason Brown (sons of John
Brown of Harper's Ferry fame) and gravesite of Owen. Learn about history
of early mountain settlers and their impact on forest habitat. Newcomers
welcome. Meet 9:00 am W end of Altadena Dr in NW Altadena (exit 210 Fwy
at Lincoln Ave, go N 1.5 miles to Altadena Dr, W to end). Bring water,
lunch, and hiking boots for stream crossings. Rain cancels. Contact
Elizabeth Pomeroy