Last night, the Altadena Library District hosted a kickoff for its long-term planning efforts, to determine needs, programming, and library renovations needed to serve the community.
(Full disclosure: the Altadenablogmaster is on the LIbrary's strategic advisory planning committee, probably because he's been doing so much public bitching about access.)
One of the impetuses for the plan is that the main library must comply with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), which it doesn't right now.
Linda Demmers, who is one of the consultants in the planning process, Powerpointed some of the newer libraries, their architecture, and interior design. The architecture firm CWA, which has made a specialty of libraries and other public buildings, will be handling the library's own renovations. Jan Sanders of the Pasadena Public Library system (who has directed libraries in several states) is also serving as a consultant.
The library's strategic advisory planning committee will be meeting May 17, and a public meeting will be held June 23 to discuss the results of the survey.
Oh, yes, the survey: the library will be taking a survey thru June 10 (available online here and in Spanish here) to help provide direction for long-term planning. Please take the three minutes or so to fill it out. We will keep you updated on progress in this space.