We have survived the almost 3 1/2 hour October ATC meeting, and return to the office exhausted in body and dead in soul. Nonetheless, we go so you don't have to. You're welcome.
In a packed community center, two major points of contention highlight this month:
Sahag Mesrob: a long line of residents went up to the podium during public comments to decry the Palm St. school, which received a notice of violation from the county last week. (A brave handful did speak in favor of the school). The council agreed to send a letter to the Board of Supervisors, asking them to enforce the notice of violation.
The June election: like Dracula rising from the dead, the loose ends of the election came back to haunt the council again. Council chair Gino Sund said that they had reviewed all election materials, spoke to poll workers, and reviewed the ethics committee report, and didn't find reasons to negate the election.
However, former town councilmember Walter Olszewski restated previous claims of election irregularities and said that "the town council does not want to look at the ethics of it."
As well, Brian Franklin took to the podium several times during the course of the meeting to read an extended complaint that involved absent councilman Ken Balder, the Altadena Town & Country Club, Lincoln Crossing, and other topics.
(Pictured: overflow crowd at the community center. Photo courtesy Bill Westphal and the Westphal PhoneCam,)