Central Altadena Little League (CALL) will be extending sign ups and tryouts for its 2009 Baseball Season to Sat., January 24 and 31. Sign-ups and tryouts will be held at the lower baseball diamond at Farnsworth Park, Altadena (corner of Lake Ave. & Concha St.) from 9:00 AM to 1 PM. Tryouts are required for team placement for all players except for those in T-Ball.
Boys and girls ages 5 through 16, living in the Central Altadena boundary are encourage to sign-up on one of these days. Games are held at Farnsworth Park, and the season runs from March to mid-June. Children will learn baseball skills, help gain overall fitness and learn the importance of good sportsmanship, while having a good time.
New players must bring proof of their age (birth certificate) and address (utility bill).
For more information, please visit our web site at www.centralaltadenalittleleague.org.