There's been much chatter in the online newsgroups in recent weeks about young people soliciting for magazine subscriptions. Greg Stanton's Meadows blog reports that a young man has also started soliciting for books in his neighborhood.
Many of these are scams of one sort or another. This has also been used in other places as a cover for casing houses for later burglaries. If this arouses your suspicions, give a call to the sheriff at 798-1131. (We have more magazines than we can read anyway, and restrict our at-the-door purchases to schoolchildren and Girl Scouts selling cookies).
UPDATE 1/08: Dennis Bridwell writes to tell us that "Craig Trautman," the name used by the guy working the Meadows, is about as real as "Betty Crocker" -- it's a name they use in a nationwide scam.
UPDATE 1/9: Apparently they hit Harding in the President Streets neighborhood Thursday, according to newsgroup alerts.