The Altadena Library will feature Makinto in a musical, educational and historical journey through
African and African American music! In this animated and interactive
show, Makinto explains the history of blacks in America through the evolution of black music. Makinto is an international recording artist, fluent in 5 languages, and has performed
for Pope John Paul II and Nelson Mandela. In 2002 he was appointed a
Goodwill Ambassador for the United Nations agency WAFUNIF. Tuesday, February 10th, 7:00pm, Community Room.
Born to a Liberian mother and a German father, MAKINTO (George Friebe-Makinto) was soon interested in integrating both sides of this cultural heritage into his music. He studied classical music in Germany, traditional and modern African music in various African countries. MAKINTO further studied American and other forms of black music, including Jazz, Blues, Gospel, Latin American and Brazilian music, while living successively in Germany, the US, Liberia, Spain, Canary Islands, Ivory Coast and France. His natural curiosity, his interest in other cultures and music made him travel through over 60 countries.