The Altadena Town Council will meet in closed session Tuesday night, before its regular meeting, to consider mounting an investigation into possible ethical violations.
New councilmember Herbert Simmons (CT 4602) claims in an email that the meeting is "an attempt to secretly stop me .. from bringing positive changes and ideas to Altadena." Simmons, in a series of emails and personal visits to local businesses over the past month, has been soliciting funds for educational awards and a "a new website that will link Altadenans together and keep everyone informed of current issues and events." In these emails and solicitations, he has used his title and position on the Altadena Town Council, which some council members feel may be a violation of its bylaws and ethical standards.Council chair Gino Sund has emailed us that the reason for the closed session is that "We are trying to prevent the unfortunate spectacle of ATC's previous administration when they publicly named multiple Councilpersons as having violated the ethical standards without a shred of evidence or fact. I think that we should investigate all charges, allegations and problems in private, to see if there is anything to them before they are made public. This is to protect a Councilmember's good name from baseless charges, and to help protect the reputation of ATC. "
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