Karin Bugge, the Altadenahiker, points us to some great pictures at the Altadena Stables site she maintains of the Girl Scouts and riding camps they've held over the summer. Cute kids and ponies, can't beat it!
The Skywatcher, Chris Considine, tells us that the International Space Station is now so large, you can not only see its structure, but you can see it in daylight. Check the Heavens Above site for local flybys.
Karen TenEyck alerts us to another probable legal scam making the rounds: an outfit called "Title Concepts Plus!!!" asks you to send $47.95 for a Declaration of
Homestead, whatever that is, on official-looking letterhead. In small print they state they are not affliated with any
federal, state or local entity. Their website, interestingly (which we're not going to link here) has a Chicago skyline.
Short takes
Karin Bugge, the Altadenahiker, points us to some great pictures at the Altadena Stables site she maintains of the Girl Scouts and riding camps they've held over the summer. Cute kids and ponies, can't beat it!
The Skywatcher, Chris Considine, tells us that the International Space Station is now so large, you can not only see its structure, but you can see it in daylight. Check the Heavens Above site for local flybys.
Karen TenEyck alerts us to another probable legal scam making the rounds: an outfit called "Title Concepts Plus!!!" asks you to send $47.95 for a Declaration of
Homestead, whatever that is, on official-looking letterhead. In small print they state they are not affliated with any
federal, state or local entity. Their website, interestingly (which we're not going to link here) has a Chicago skyline.