This note has been circulating from Edith Grady about the Altadena Elementary School Technology Challenge:
Fellow Volunteers,
As some of you know but many of you may not, Altadena has been given an exciting opportunity to raise money for much needed technology programs. A local family has provided a challenge grant of $100,000 to encourage PUSD families and friends to provide financial support for teaching our students a skill so important in today's work force. No individual school will receive more than $10,000 in matching funds but will receive any money restricted by the donor for use at Altadena.
As you think about your year-end charitable giving I hope that you will include a gift to the Pasadena Educational Foundation (PEF) which is responsible for the distribution of these funds to the schools. PEF is a 501c-3 organization. Its ID No. is 23-7149451. Checks can be mailed to Pasadena Educational Foundation, 351 S. Hudson Ave., Pasadena 91109 and should be identified for Altadena Elementary School FANSS..(See below*)
Altadena has been fortunate in receiving donations recently to be used for teacher supplies (an urgent need), continuing the third grade recorder lessons, the Friday enrichment program, and even a commitment to pay for pizza at the spring Family Math and Reading Night. All of these contribute in a significant way to the remarkable API improvement Altadena has shown in the last two years.
A contribution in any size is valuable. You will find envelopes for the purpose and more information in the volunteer sign-in binder at the front desk or you can also find out more at As a volunteer you are already contributing in a significant way but with the bare-bones budget every school has been faced with, your dollars are also important.
My warm regards to each of you,
(*Friends and Neighbors Supporting Schools)