Got this one circulating in the newsgroups from our friend Donna Barnes-Roberts (who's starting new watercolor classes, below):
(photoI don't know if you were in Pasadena when there was a building in Old Town with the legend: "My People are People of the Dessert: Said T.E. Lawrence picking up his fork"
Well, some slightly wacky people up in the unincorporated township called Altadena felt a certain lack in their souls after that mural fell to progress oh so many years ago, and have erected an 18 foot fork at the fork in the road where Pasadena Ave. divides into two one way streets. If you go North on Pasadena Ave., from Glenarm, you will see it at the fork in the road. See it before some bureaucrat takes it down - though it is built sturdily and set in over 400 pounds of concrete. One of the participants was anticipating arrest, though he just turned 75, and didn't actually build it. However, he certainly had a twinkle in his eye when he mentioned the word "arrest". The whole think was a kind of birthday present for Pasadena.
This is officially the LARGEST fork in the road, according to one of the participants. Really.
Just goes to show, Pasadena is not just for fuddy-duddy types.
I have to go teach my class now, or I would tell you more, I know this was filmed by the artists, and may be up on Youtube soon - that is the plan. We'll see.