Altadena Junction, 2526 & 2524 El Molino Ave., showcases Beverly Mickins in "Atomic Lounge" on Sat., Nov. 14, at 8 PM.
Beverly Mickins is a actor, writer, storyteller and singer. She was recognized as the creator and founder of L.A.’s longest running storytelling venue “Story Salon” with a 2005 Women in Theater Award. As part of “Story Salon” she wrote and performed her successful one woman show “The Driving Piece,” and started the very popular “Atomic Lounge” series where she combines singing and storytelling. She can be heard regularly on the “Story Salon” podcasts available at www.StorySalon.com.
On November 14th Beverly will be singing with her longtime guitarist John O’Kennedy. She will be joined on stage by several Los Angeles storytellers, to create a memorable evening of story and music.
$10 Cover. Please RSVP (626) 791-8586. Limited Seating.