This seems to be a new trend we're just discovering: the travelin' gourmet "roach coach." We already heard about Kogi, and Donna Barnes-Roberts, who knows her way around a fork, tell us that the Fishlips Sushi truck will be swinging by the Coffee Gallery on Tues., Jan. 12, from 6-10 PM.
And while you're there, she adds:
The same evening at The Coffee Gallery we will be having our Tuesday night Open Mic Comedy - if you want to stand before the mic, you can sign up at 7:45, the laughs start at 8PM. And in The Coffee Gallery Backstage starting at 8 PM Odds Bodkin will perform - they are a quirky trio that last time even performed a Klingon Drinking Song. If it's pagan, old, or just irreverant - it is their cup of fur. There is a blog link here to their last performance at The Coffee Gallery Backstage.
(In our checkered past, we actually promoted a concert that included Odds Bodkins' Kenny Klein and his then-wife. A long story, that!)