Altadena=based Education Spectrum and Caltech invite you to an informative overview of Caltech's Autism and Asperger Syndrome Research Program. Ralph Adolphs, Ph.D., Bren Professor of Psychology and Neuroscience will describe fascinating studies of the cognitive and emotional aspects of adults with Autism Spectrum Disorders. Laurie Stephens, Ph.D., Clinical Director of Education Spectrum, will then join Dr. Adolphs for a dynamic discussion about eye contact, brain function, and practical data.
The event will be held Sat. Feb. 27, at Broad Center Auditorium, Room 100 on the Caltech campus. Check in is at 3:45 PM, and the program runs from 4-5:30. There is no entrance charge, but seating is limited. The presentation is open to the community and especially geared for parents, caregivers and professionals.