... for your continued support of Altadena's community news source, Altadenablog! We passed a lifetime 450,000 page views yesterday, and, according to Google Analytics, recorded about 41,000 page views in the past month, with about 7,800 unique visitors since Jan. 15. Wow!
Special thanks to those of you who put your money where your mouth is: for our many tip jar supporters (who have really helped us improve our equipment and services in the past six months), and a shout-out to our current advertisers:
Our stalwarts
- Webster's Fine Stationers
- Brio Spa & Salon
- Curves Altadena
- Mike Gibson Service Center
- McGinty's Gallery at the End of the World
- Binary Monk webhosting
Our newer advertisers
- scissors/paper/rock salon
- Navarro Construction
- Catalina Island Camps
- Tom Sawyer Camps
And our newest:
- Anthony's Green Garden Service
- Chandler School Summer Enrichment Program
- Altadena Friends of the Library
- and (starting soon) Covert Potters.
If you patronize these businesses, or are interested in their services, tell 'em you saw it in Altadenablog!