And as we get ready for the next rain, have we more pictures for you from the last one.
Reader Dan Morse gave us these shots of an unnaturally wet Arroyo Seco:
I took these Sunday morning....there is a tremendous amount of water and debris now in Hahamongna....there used to be quite a few trails down in the dry riverbed that I run through....those are all filled in with mud now....its pretty impressive...
Dan's pictures -- and pictures from a new correspondent -- follow after the jump:
And we welcome a new photographer and correspondent to Altadenablog: Assemblyman Anthony Portantino, recording the progress at Canyon Crest:
Michael Tamirez of Portantino's office writes:
Attached is a photo taken by Assemblymember Anthony Portantino in Altadena during his tour of storm damage in the region. He hopes everyone in Altadena is doing well and wants to let them know he will continue to monitor and assist with the cleanup efforts.