We got this email from Arroyo & Foothills Conservancy president Nancy Steele:
First, AFC is looking to hire an Executive Director. Please consider if you or someone you know would be right for the position, which is attached. We hope to have someone on board this spring so that we can better accomplish your charge to us to preserve our beautiful wild open spaces.
The second item is for you if you own land and get your water from one of the mutual water companies which is a member of Foothill Municipal Water District. FMWD is proposing to hold an election for a parcel tax to fund infrastructure improvements and new projects to improve our water supply reliability. I will leave it to you to decide how you want to vote in this election; the AFC has no position. If you own vacant land and do not intend ever to develop it in the next thirty years, however, you should be aware that FMWD is offering the opportunity to apply for an exclusion from the parcel tax. There is a short deadline, and you would need to apply this weekend. To find out how to apply for the exemption and if you qualify, go to http://www.fmwd.com/. I would also note that if you do not intend to develop your vacant land, you might want to talk to me or another AFC Board member about a conservation easement, donation, or sale of your land.