Families and Neighbors Supporting Schools (FANSS), a parents group within the Pasadena Educational Foundation (PEF), has extended the deadline of the Technology Challenge until May 31:
As its first project FANSS is launching a new Technology Challenge initiative to raise much-needed technology funds for PUSD schools. A local family has offered $100,000 in matching funds. Thus, each dollar you donate to PEF as a FANSS member will be matched by a gift to our schools for technology. Feel free to designate your child’s school. We have until May 31, 2010, to reach our goal to receive the matching funds. Please help us reach our goal by donating today. (No individual school will receive more than $10,000 of the matching funds. However, there is no cap on the amount that families and friends may give to the school.)
This link has additional information including a link to donate online with credit card:
This link shows the amount each school has received toward it's goal as of 2/19/2010 (with Altadena schools lagging a bit behind):
Checks can be mailed or dropped off to:
Pasadena Education Foundation
351 S. Hudson
Room 214
Pasadena, CA 91101
Checks payable to Pasadena Education Foundation
Note on check that it is for Technology Challenge- and, if desired, SPECIFY SCHOOL.