... has nothing to it, we're afraid.
Last week, Jane Brackman asked for reports of sightings of a hairless, coyote-like canid who was seen around the Meadows (she is tracking the migration of this species, which is not a Chupacabra, by the way). When we checked in with her at the Green Carriage House tour Sunday, she said that there were reports that a xoloitzcuintli ("xolo" pronounced "sholo" for short), or Mexican hairless dog, lived in the neighborhood, and her initial reporter now said that the creature looked more like the picture in Altadenablog than a coyote. So thanks to Altadenablog and its readers, a mystery solved!
(Yes, we've now had two stories in a week with the word xoloitzcuintli. It's an Altadena thing!)