At last night’s Town Council meeting:

- Restriping Lake Ave: After hearing from the council and residents of upper Lake Ave. neighborhoods, the county went back to the drawing board, altho’ they may restripe on a trial basis.
The council heard an extended presentation from Sarkis Oganesyan and Jalaine Madrid of the Traffic & Lighting division of the Los Angeles Dept. of Public Works on a potential restriping of Lake Ave. between Altadena Dr. and Loma Alta.
According to Oganesyan, while the posted speed in that stretch is 35 mph, the “average prevailing speed” is 41 mph, with vehicle traffic averaging 4,004 cars a day. The collision rate in that stretch is 2 per million vehicle miles, whereas the county average is 1.55 per million vehicle miles. Most collisions (64%) were the result of improper turning or unsafe rates of speed.
The county’s proposal was to restripe that stretch of road to one lane in each direction, with a center turn median. However, residents of Lake Ave. said that, with a single lane of traffic, it would be almost impossible to back out of their driveways onto Lake, particularly during peak traffic hours. The county officials said that they would reconsider it, and suggested that any restriping would be on a trial basis to see if it actually worked. - Cell tower approved: The council also approved a conditional use permit for the erection of a 100 ft. monopine cell phone tower near the debris basin at the 100 block of E. Loma Alta. ATT and T-mobile will use the tower to improve service in that part of Altadena.
- Almansor looking at Sahag Mesrob site: Councilman Okorie Ezieme said that The Almansor Center, an educational program for special needs at at-risk youth, was in the process of meeting with the neighborhood regarding establshing a school at the property at 183 Palm St. The property is now owned by Sahag Mesrob Armenian Christian School, which was recently ejected from the site by the county for establishing a school without acquiring the proper permits.