More feral felinity at large -- Bill Westphal sends us this:
Holly Slope Road was visited by a bobcat again Saturday morning. We think this is a different cat but we're not sure.
Photo 1 is a side view taken by Marty Ruch of the Bobcat on her patio. He was carefully watching a couple of squirrels snacking on oranges. I think he was thinking of a snack himself.
Photo 2 is by me: we were staring each other down at a distance of about 60 feet.
It's nice to live with and observe the wildlife here in Altadena. That's one of the reasons I like living here.
(The Altadenablog New Dog had a backyard wildlife encounter as well Saturday night -- it was a cat, but of the "pole" rather than "bob" variety! Fortunately, brought him inside before it got too noisy and noisome!)