Carolyn Seitz of the sheriff's Community Advisory Committee has sent out this message on Neighborhood Watch training:
Neighborhood Watch Training Anaheim, CA <
events/register.aspx?EventId= 41>
Monday, June 28 • All Day Event
Anaheim Convention Center
USAonWatch website - Click here to register < 41>
- Sheriffs’ deputies and police officers who work as Neighborhood Watch Liaisons
- Law Enforcement Officers new to crime prevention and the Neighborhood Watch principles
- Community members who take a leading role in Neighborhood Watch in their community
- Anyone who cares about changing the culture of their neighborhoods
- Registrations
will be accepted on a first come, first serve basis via the USAonWatch
website <
events/register.aspx?EventId= 41> - Questions contact Robbi Woodson at
- There is no registration fee to attend
- Hotel accommodations, travel expenses & parking must be paid by the participant.
- Start time for the class on June 28th is 8:30am. Class will go till 4:30pm.
- A 2-hour break will be given for lunch and to visit the exhibit hall of the National Sheriffs’ Association Annual Conference
training is designed to build the capacity of law enforcement officers
to work with community groups by providing specific instruction on the
Neighborhood Watch Toolkit. The course will increase participants’
skill levels
by teaching them the proper utilization of the tools and the most
methods of maximizing the Toolkit’s value for their citizens and
The training is intended to be interactive and applicable to
participants with
all levels of Neighborhood Watch experience.
Once registered for the class a confirmation email will be sent to you.
A few
days before the class another email with logistics will be sent to you.