The folks on Pepper Dr. and environs are proud of their annual block party, held this past Sunday at the cul-de-sac at Pepper and Berendo St. Monica Hubbard provides the copy, and Steve Bass the images:
What a great party yesterday! Over 50 of us were able to make it. The weather cooperated! The food was fabulous! And the company was stellar! What a great time we all had, from the oldest to the youngest!
A huge Thank You to Jacquie Sullivan for all her organizing, and for bringing us the wonderful musicians - The Safety Girls ( ) and Dave Vidal ( discog.html ).
Pat Taylor and Paul Nelson did the lion's share of the setup/take down for the party, providing tables and ice and all manner of party supplies!
Drew Dembowski and Tom Oldfield provided the keg!
Jean & Al Buennagel provided the bottled water!
And several people brought extra tables for the food and probably other stuff I'm forgetting!
Thanks to everyone for a great, great evening!!