Gail Murphy sends us this:
The Co-Operative Food Exchange of Altadena has changed its name to RIPE Altadena to make it easier to connect the name to what our community group is all about. RIPE represents home grown garden, tree and vine ripened produce which we share with other community members. We trade our very ("Hyper") local organic food that does not leave the large carbon footprint that obtaining produce from other sources does. Plus, it's a wonderful way to get to know your neighbors as you are swapping with them!
If you don't yet have a garden that is growing food that you can share, come and join us for a gardening workshop that is open to non-members as well as members. On Sun., Sept. 26, 2-5 PM one of our own RIPE members will be teaching Square Foot Gardening at a residence in Altadena off of Calaveras St. Pre-Registration is required, and there is a fee involved, as there are materials to buy for the class. You will take home knowledge (and a hand out) of how to do your own square foot gardening at your residence.
We have room for about 10 more in the class before it fills.