Monday night, the Altadena Coalition of Neighborhood Associations (ACONA) will hold its third bi-monthly meeting on the needs of neighborhood associations in Altadena, from 7-8:30 PM at the Altadena Library, 600 E. Mariposa.
The meeting will feature presentations by two Block Captains, Sandy DeJardin of the La Vina Neighborhood Association, and Nina Ehlig of the SENCH Neighborhood Association, who will talk about what has made their Neighborhood Associations/ Neighborhood Watches successful.
Devra Hall Levy of the Coolidge Neighborhood Watch will demonstrate a “work in progress” blog that will allow neighbors to quickly share information ranging from crime prevention and disaster response to simple issues such as social camaraderie, lost pets, and how to find a trusted plumber.
Devra will be followed by Natalie Salazar of the Sheriff’s Department, who will talk about a two-hour emergency preparedness training called NET—Neighborhood
Emergency Training. Deputy Robert Boese will then walk the audience through Nixle (, a subscription service to receive public safety alerts on your cell
phone and/or in your e-mail.
ACONA’s mantra is: Let’s make Altadena the “best neighborhood in LA County”!
Anyone interested in learning more about neighborhood associations and Neighborhood Watch should attend the meeting.
If you have questions about ACONA, feel free to contact Elliot Gold by e-mail ( or by phone at +1-626-797-5482.