We open with PSN's Larry Wilson and a meditation on Webster's Pharmacy, past, present, and future, and finding a great, good place to hang out. Larry seems to be ignoring the Coffee Gallery as a hangout, but it DOES seems to attract a certain type -- and Altadena needs other places, for other types of people to hang out. As faithful contributor Elliot Gold points out, PSN is paying more attention to Altadena these days.
- Santa is getting some air support today when he choppers in to deliver toys to pediatric patients at Huntington Memorial Hospital today at 10 AM. Then, he will travel by squad car to Hathaway-Sycamores in Altadena, where Santa and his elves will greet and give gifts to thirty boys and young men who are in their care at about 3 PM. Almost $2,500 dollars was raised from contributions made by employees and employee associations of the participating FAST (Foothill Air Support Team) agencies to help Santa out.
- LA Times community garden blog looks at Altadena Community Gardeners Marie Yeseta and Margaret Jones, who are inveterate seed savers, i.e., why go to Burpee every year when your crop has the means to reproduce itself? Great pictures, too.