Our first haiku headline.
Sharpen up your quill: if you're a poet who lives in Altadena or environs and would like to be a part of the Altadena LIbrary's annual Poetry & Cookies program and anthology, you're on a deadline.
Submit your G-rated poems, an almost Twitter-size bio (up to 200 spaces) and contact information to pdutton@altadenalibrary.org by Jan. 15 to be in the anthology, which will be available at the Poetry and Cookies Program on Sat., April 9.
(Poetry should be up to 78 single-spaced lines, not more than 50 spaces in length, 10-12 pt type in Text, Word, or Google Docs. Also email attachment or send/deliver hard copy as you want it formatted to the Altadena Library, attn. P. Dutton.)
The upcoming Poetry and Cookies program will be held just west of the library in 2011, at the Altadena Senior Center.