We received these tips for the holidays from Lt. Joseph Dempsey at the Altadena Sheriff Station:
With the holiday season upon us and the shopping frenzy in full swing, the Altadena Sheriff’s Station would like everyone to take extra precautions while out shopping, and also around your home or business during this festive time of year. Suspicious activity should always be reported immediately, whether you are at home or away, and people are strongly encouraged to practice the following safety tips that may prevent you from becoming a victim:
While shopping:
- Place all gifts and packages in your trunk or out of sight
- Be aware of your surroundings at all times and walk with confidence
- Park in well-lighted areas
- Avoid shopping alone; there is safety in numbers
- Try to use credit or debit cards for purchases to avoid carrying large amounts of cash
- Keep your car doors locked and windows closed
- If you carry a purse or bag, carry it up close to your body
- Have your car key in your hand prior to getting to your vehicle
- Always report suspicious activity immediately to on-site security or the police department
Suggestions in and around your home:
- Keep gifts in areas that cannot be seen from doorways or windows
- Install motion sensor lighting in a location that it cannot be easily tampered with
- Keep bushes and shrubbery trimmed down and thinned out to eliminate places for thieves to hide
- If traveling, postpone your mail and newspaper deliveries so your home doesn’t look deserted
- Do not store gifts in vehicles or unsecured areas
- Always report suspicious activity immediately to your local sheriff’s station or police department
If you operate a business, some of these tips may be helpful:
- Lock unused doors as long as you are not in violation of the Fire Code
- Keep only necessary cash in the register and vary the schedule and route for your bank deposits each day
- Make sure your cash register is clearly visible to passers-by
- Advertise your security alarm system with signs in visible locations
- Develop a mutual aid system among stores on your block or close to you
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