There’s lots going on this final weekend before Christmas -- keep checking back, as new stuff keeps flying thru the transom ...
Thurs., Dec. 16
- The Watershed Council, the University of California Cooperative Extension and the US Forest Service will hold a symposium on post-fire recovery today from 8:30 AM-4 PM. (Note that it has been moved from the Altadena Community Center to 1418 Descanso Dr., La Canada Flintridge). The daylong discussion of ecology, conservation and recovery lessons from the 2009 San Gabriel Mountains Station and Morris Fires includes presentations by a variety of experts in watershed, forestation, and natural resources.
- Toddler Story Time at the Altadena main library, 600 E. Mariposa, 11 AM.
- Reception for Debi Swanson Patrick’s art show, “Telling Images,” at the Coffee Gallery, 2029 N. Lake Ave., 6-9 PM.
- Coffee Gallery long form storytelling open mic, 8 PM.
Fri., Dec. 17
- Fun & Games for teens and tweens at the Altadena Library, 3:30-5 PM. The community room will open up for traditional and video games, snacks, and hanging out.
- Meanwhile, the Bob Lucas Branch Library has a holiday card-making craft project for all ages, starting at 3:30 PM at 2659 N. Lincoln Ave.
- Friday Peace Vigil, Altadena Community Church, 943 E. Altadena Dr., 4-4:30 PM
- Coffee Gallery: Music and Variety Open Mic Night, starting at 8 PM.
- The Rancho Bar, 2485 N. Lake, presents Mercy and the Merkettes, high energy rock and soul, 9 PM.
Sat. Dec. 18
- Altadena Sheriff’s Station food and toy drive distribution day. [UPDATE] Volunteers should show up at the Altadena Community Center, 730 E. Aladena Dr., at 7:30 AM, with distribution to begin no later than 8 AM.
- “Here Comes Santa” holiday celebration for children 12 and under at Loma Alta Park, 10 AM-2 PM. There will be arts and crafts, games, a holiday carnival, coloring contests, and live entertainment. Gifts will be given away during games, and Santa is expected to show. Channel 4 anchor Chris Schauble will be the master of ceremonies.
- Holiday Open House at Webster’s Fine Stationers and Webster’s Community Pharmacy, 2450 N. Lake Ave., 11 AM-2 PM.
- Farnsworth Park Holiday Party, noon to 5:30 PM. Entertainment, a stocking and (we hope!) a gift for children who registered by Dec. 6.
Sun., Dec. 19
- Members of the Altadena Town & Country Club and their guests will get a chance to sled on real (manufactured) snow in the membership parking lot on Mendocino, 10 AM-1 PM, rain or shine.
- Altadena Urban Farmer’s Market at the Zane Grey Estate, 396 E. Mariposa, 1-4 PM. Local backyard farmers, craftspeople, and other vendors share their goods with the public. 3rd Sunday of every month. The smart money says get there early if you’re looking for edibles!
- Monthly gathering to support the midlife journey, third Sunday of the month at a private home in Altadena, 1-4 PM. For more information go to
- The Altadena Ale & Wine House 2329 N. Fair Oaks, will have a holiday wine tasting starting at 4 PM.
- Sacred Heart Church, 2889 N. Lincoln Ave., presents “The Joy of Christmas,” an evening of songs celebrating the birth of Jesus Christ and benefiting the church, starting at 6 PM. The entire community is invited to come and share the spirit and joy of this season with the Gospel, Spanish, Filipino and Childrens’ Choirs. A Silent Auction / Raffle will be held and light refreshments will be served. Suggested donation of $10 for adults and $5 for children under 12 years of age.
- The Modern Brass of Los Angeles wil perform in a free concert at Westminster Presbyterian Church, 1757 North Lake Avenue in Pasadena, 7 PM. With a ten piece brass and percussion ensemble, the concert also features organist Imre Szilas and the narration of Dr. Twine Campbell. The ensemble will be conducted by Kevin Mayse. There will also be a presentation by the Westminster Bell Choir. The program will also include a Christmas sing along of some of your favorite carols.