The VYMA (Verdugo Young Musicians Association) Music Project at Longfellow Elementary, in partnership with PasadenaLEARNs, is pleased to invite you to its Winter Concert . The young musicians have prepared a musical feast, with a full range of music from the movies, American soul and the classical repertoire.
The concert will be at Longfellow Elementary School Auditorium, 1065 E. Washington Blvd. Pasadena, on Fri., Dec. 17, starting at 6 PM. This event is free and open to the public. Donations are accepted.
Come hear the Orchestra, the Choir, the Kinder Music and the Musicianship Class.
This is Year Two for the Music Project, a program inspired by El Sistema, the now famous music education program that is sweeping the world with its revolutionary approach to music. (LA Philharmonic Music Director Gustavo Dudamel is a supporter.) The musicians this year sound better than ever! You will be surprised! Your enjoyment will be theirs!
The VYMA Music Project at Longfellow Elementary, PUSD was launched on September 21, 2009, as an afterschool supplemental music education program. VYMA partners with Pasadena LEARNS to give free instruments and free classical music instruction to students from grades K-5.