The Altadena Chamber of Commerce's Citizen of the Year, Carolyn Seitz, poses with leaders of Mentoring and Partnership for Youth Development at Friday's annual Chamber dinner. The Altadena chamber introduced its new board, its new president Inger Miller, and honored Seitz for her community involvement. We've been promised more pictures (Bill Westphal and Debbi Swanson Patrick were out in force), and we'll get them up later.
UPDATE: More pictures after the jump.
It was a full and festive house in the Altadena Town & Country Club. (Photo by Bill Westphal)
The new Chamber board was sworn in by Assemblyman Anthony Portantino. Going left from Portantino: Carrie Meyers (Steve's Pets), Lori Webster (Webster's Fine Stationers), C. Jake (Altadena Realty), Inger Miller (Miller-Hawkins Productions), Gina Haber (Haber Acupuncture), Daniel Harlow, Tarnie Fulloon, (Body Freedom), Rose West (Curves) and Doug Colliflower (DC Golf) behind West. (Photo by Bill Westphal)
The citizen of the year gets lots of swag! (Photo by Debbi Swanson Patrick).