Always more stuff coming in, so keep checking back!
Sat., Jan. 15
- Deadline today for submitting your poems for the Altadena Library's April 8 Poetry and Cookies program and anthology. Submit your G-rated poems, an almost Twitter-size bio (up to 200 spaces) and contact information to to be in the anthology. (Poetry should be up to 78 single-spaced lines, not more than 50 spaces in length, 10-12 pt type in Text, Word, or Google Docs. Also email attachment or send/deliver hard copy as you want it formatted to the Altadena Library, attn. P. Dutton.)
- Don't forget the Altadena Community Farmer's Market today at Sacred Heart Catholic Church, 2889 Lincoln Ave., 8 AM-3 PM.
- The Arroyo Time Bank, Altadena Heritage, and RIPE Altadena are hosting a conversation with state and federal agriculture officials about the Oriental Fruit Fly quarantine affecting Altadena and surrounding areas 10-11 AM at 2485 Marengo. Please enter this private residence through the pedestrian gate.
- Oink! The Altadena Ale House, 2329 N. Fair Oaks, is having a pig roast today -- serving starts at 5 PM. $10 includes salad and rice.
Sun., Jan. 16
- Altadena Urban Farmer's Market at the Zane Grey Estate, 396 E. Mariposa, 1-4 PM.
- Monthly gathering to support the midlife journey, third Sunday of the month at a private home in Altadena. For more information go to