Keep checking back as there's always new stock coming in ....
Fri., Feb. 4
- Weekly peace vigil, 4-4:30 PM, Altadena Community Church, 943 E. Altadena Dr.
- Music and variety open mic night, Coffee Gallery, 2029 N. Lake, starting at 8 PM.
Sat., Feb. 5
- Cat Posse Rescue Yard Sale/fundraiser, 8 AM-4 PM at 782 W. Mariposa St. in Altadena. Brand new factory sealed toys, furniture, household items, tons of nice clothes, baby items, and a ton of other stuff.
- St. Elizabeth Book Sale, 9 AM -2 PM in the St. Elizabeth school hall at 1840 N. Lake Ave., across from the church. The funds raised at this sale support a scholarship given to the 8th grade graduates. Books, CDs, DVDs, videotapes, and even cassettes will be available.
- Central Altadena Little League (CALL) in conjunction with the Marshall High School Baseball Program will host a Baseball Camp on Sat., Feb. 5 from 10 AM – 4 PM at the Farnsworth Park Upper Baseball diamond. All kids from all leagues and non leagues ages 6 -12 years old to can participate in this special clinic. The cost of the camp is $25 for all day. The camp is covered by league insurance. All proceeds will go toward the Marshall High School Baseball program which was hit hard by the state budget cuts. Registration starts at 9:30 AM. Bring glove, cleats, comfortable clothes and sack lunch.
- Meet and greet Time Banks USA founder Dr. Edgar S. Cahn at the Zane Grey Estate, 396 Mariposa St., at 7 PM for a casual potluck. Bring a dish and/or a bottle of wine and earn a time dollar! Street parking is available.
Sun., Feb. 6
- "Bundle Sunday" for the St. Vincent de Paul Society at St. Elizabeth Roman Catholic Church, 1879 N. Lake Ave., 9 AM-1 PM in the church parking lot. Bring your useable clothing, household items, and small appliances in good condition.
- Local artist Linda Ternoir will have a reception from 5-8 PM at The Coffee Gallery, 2029 N. Lake Ave. Her work is on display through the month of February.
- Coffee Gallery open mic music night, starting at 8 PM. Open mike music nights every Friday at the Frontstage, hosted by Duane Thorin.