Day writes us about a dog, found Sunday afternoon in the Meadows:
This dog is VERY sweet yet VERY frightened. It's a young female dark and light brown mini pinscher/chihuahua mix with beautiful light yellow eyes. Unsure of her age however, her teeth are very very white. She doesn't appear to be emaciated and I honestly believe that she belonged to someone. Other than her coat/skin having a little redness (maybe due to allergies), she seems healthy.
UNFORTUNATELY, she has taken refuge under my jeep and views that as her "den". I placed a plastic bin with towels and a sheet for her to lay on, she has water as well as I have put food down. She is extremely sweet yet skittish and WILL NOT allow me to touch her OR try to pick her up...every attempt that I have made she has darted off.
I am on Day 2 of taking care of her and this morning she came close enough to eat kibble out of my hand. I tried to put a towel over her to scoop her up and again she bolted. What's odd is that she actually likes to play "tag you're it" yet wants to be the one to be chased.
I am hoping that this adorable pooch belongs to someone in the Altadena area and she just accidentally espcaped the house or yard and can't find her way back home. If this is ANYONE'S dog I can be reached ANYTIME @ 626.398.1313. I am holding out before calling Animal Control because I don't want her shoved in a cage at the shelter. I also DO NOT want to leave her outside especially since there have been a pair of coyotes who have designated the vacant lot next door as their territory.
You can also email Day at
UPDATE 3/30: Day tells us that the dog finally wanted some affection and broke down to be captured. She was taken to the Pasadena Humane Society (shh!), which is where she is now ...
Long story short, please let everyone know that she is safe now from under my car and from the potential of getting hunted by our newly neighborhood coyote couple. Also share with everyone that this dog is a gem and if I didn't have a beastly Akita I would have kept her...that's how sweet she is.