RIPE Altadena is holding another workshop this weekend, where you can learn about how to enhance your pantry with free native and/or gleaned foods, harvested from your yard or right-of-way, your neighbors' yards (with their permission), and other spots where such foods are going to waste (and where it's not illegal or just not right to help yourself)!
The speaker, Brad Lancaster, is the author of the best-selling, award-winning books Rainwater Harvesting for Drylands and Beyond, Volumes 1 and 2, and creator of the information-packed website A permaculture teacher, designer, consultant and co-founder of Desert Harvesters ( he has helped design integrated water harvesting and permaculture systems for homeowners and gardeners, including the Tucson Audubon Simpson Farm restoration site, and the award-winning Milagro and Stone Curves co-housing projects.
The talk is Sat., March 12, 7-:8:30 PM at the Pasadena SDA Church Fellowship Hall, 1280 E Washington Blvd, Pasadena. Cost: $10 at the door.
For more information: contact RIPE's Gail Murphy at (626) 689-0593 or see To register, please e-mail your name to:
Learn about grinding mesquite (and carob) pods with a hammermill or a Suzuki 4 x 4; irrigating food-producing street trees with the street; planting and picking the best tree-beans; throwing pie, mulch, and pancakes parties; creating a thoroughly delicious community-tasted cookbook; regenerating ecosystems in your pantry and landscape, and growing friendships and neighborhood networks while you’re at it!
Says Murphy: "With all of this information on how to eat from the land, soon this group won't need a grocery store!"