Today is the day that local water companies are asking for residents to start reducing their water consumption for the next ten days. A Metropolitan Water District plant in LaVerne, which services an area from Claremont to Glendale including Altadena and Pasadena, will be shut down for seismic and other upgrade, reducing the amount of available water by 40 percent. Local water districts have put some restrictions in place (above).
Although they have adequate supplies for customers, Rubio Cañon Land & Water Assn. is asking customers to reduce their water consumption as a precaution, as the MWD water will not be available in case of emergencies.
The water companies are asking customers to do the following, as of today:
- Do not water landscapes or lawns. Do not wash cars.
- Set sprinkler timers to the “OFF” position Thursday night.
- Do final fill-ups of any large containers.
- Take short showers (5-minute max). Soak, turn the water off, soap up, and then turn the water on, wash off. Do not use the warm shower as a sauna.
- Also, put a bucket in the shower to collect the water before the shower warms up. Use this water for plants.
- Use collected water in trash bins or bathtubs to hand-water houseplants and sensitive outdoor plants and those areas of the lawn that may show excessive stress (the hot spots).
- Do not leave water running when washing dishes.
- Run only full loads in washing machine and dishwasher.
- Do not leave water running when brushing your teeth or shaving.
- Do not mow your lawns. Minimize the use of your lawn (i.e. playing on it, leaving vehicles on it) to reduce stress on the turf
For more water-saving tips, visit