One of our readers writes:
Three lost dogs showed up on our street this morning. They appear to be from the same household. They have choke collars, but no tags.
Since they won’t stay in our fence area, we’ve called animal control. I believe they will be picking them up. If they do, we will obtain the contact info in case the owner’s sees this note.
UPDATE: From the finders (who live at around Altadena Drive and Porter):
Regrettably, we couldn't keep the dogs from escaping from the yard so we
called the animal control people. The woman who picked them up was pretty
sure they must have had an implanted tag, so it's very likely the owners
will be notified.
If you hear from someone, they'll be able to get them at the Baldwin History facility.
Here's the contact info:
4275 North Elton, Baldwin Hills Park 91705
(The facility appears to be near Irwindale)
They can pick up the dogs between 12n and 7p.
Not the best scenario, but hopefully for the best.