Keep checking back: we keep adding!
Fri., April 22
- Good Friday.
- "Movies in the Park" at Davies Auditorium, Farnsworth Park, 1-8:30 PM. This month's movies are Disney Pixar's "UP" starts at 1 PM; "Tangled" plays from 3:30-5:45 PM; finishing up with a showing of "Tron Legacy" from 6:30-8:30 PM. Free admission, with free popcorn, door prizes, snacks, and punch.
- Fun and Games Friday for teens and tweens at the Altadena Main Library, 600 E. Mariposa St.. Traditional and video games (and snacks) in the Community Room. Come to the library and have fun, snack, socialize and have the opportunity to win a cool prize, a Target Gift Card. 3:30-5 PM.
- Open mic night at the Coffee Gallery, 2029 N. Lake, 8 PM-closing.
Sat., April 23
- PJ Sallave-Goldfinger tells what it’s like to operate Mt. Wilson Observatory’s CHARA Array and the famous 100-inch Hooker Telescope at the Mt. Wilson Observatory lecture at the Altadena Main Library, 600 E. Mariposa St., starting at 2:30 PM.
Sun., April 24
- Easter.
- Easter sunrise services at Farnsworth Park begin at 6 AM. The Pasadena Journal has more details.
- The Altadena Ale and Wine House, 2329 N Fair Oaks Ave., will have a tasting of Australian wines, 3-6 PM. Ten wines, plus cheese and sandwiches for $22. Get the wine list here.
- Open mic night at the Coffee Gallery, 2029 N. Lake, 8 PM-closing.