We're opening a thread for the weekend at the request of the Altadena Coalition of Neighborhood Associations (ACONA), whose next meeting is May 24 at the Altadena Library, 7-8:30 PM. Speakers at that meeting will include Tanganica Turner, field representative for Assemblyman Anthony Portantino, on group homes; Sheriff Lt. Roosevelt Johnson, who will discuss issues with the dispatchers who answer the phones at the sheriff's office; and Lance Hunter, animal care and control manager of the Baldwin Park Animal Shelter
So we're asking the following questions to help start discussion at the meeting:
- Group Homes- What are your concerns? What are the issues you want discussed at the ACONA meeting?
- Sheriff dispatch issues- What has been your experience calling the Altadena Sheriffs? What do you want changed? Anything you feel needs to be fixed?
- Animal Care and Control- What has been your experience when you call Animal Care and Control, good or bad? Anything you want discussed at the ACONA meeting?
Fire away below!