There's been a little activity around the MonteCedro vacant lot on Calavaras in recent weeks, according to Episcopal Homes spokeswoman Susan Hixon.
The "Art from the Heart" paintings on the fence were recently removed, Hixon said. "We took the artwork down because it was getting tattered." Hixon said. The paintings are in the process of being returned to the institutions -- schools and Episcopal Homes retirement communities -- that worked on them, Hixon said.
This weekend, a large fir tree was removed from the property, Hixon said. It was due to be trimmed, but the workers found that it was split almost through, and an arborist called in determined that the tree was in danger of falling and needed to be removed, according to Hixon.
As for the development itself, Hixon said they were still in the process of pre-selling units. Episcopal Homes needs a 10% deposit on a certain number of units before they can seek financing to begin construction. Hixon said that they hadn't reached critical mass yet.