In the ongoing story of Renata Klein, whose body was found in the Angeles National Forest June 15, Nevada authorities found her vehicle, but her husband and dog are still missing.
According to a press release from the Los Angeles County Sheriff Dept., a citizen reported a suspicious vehicle parked behind an abandoned building in North Las Vega, Nevada on June 26. Police discovered the vehicle was the Klein's missing Jeep. The Los Angeles sheriffs were notified and the vehicle was impounded and is to be towed back to Los Angeles county.
Renata's husband, Dusan Klein, and the family dog, Cindy, are still missing. Anyone with information about them or this incident is encouraged to contact Los Angeles County Sheriff's Department Homicide Bureau, 323-890-5500. If you prefer to provide information ANONYMOUSLY, you may call "Crime Stoppers" by dialing 800-222-TIPS (8477), texting the letters TIPLA plus your tip to CRIMES (274637), or using the website