The Social Media Club of San Gabriel Valley (SMC SGV) and the LA County Business Technology Center (BTC) are hosting a Social Media Week event on Thurs., Sept. 22, that will cover new tools that can be used to do a social media audit and extract business intelligence from the online conversations
The luncheon meeting is at the BTC, 2400 Lincoln Ave., Altadena, from 11.30 AM – 1 PM.
Speaker is Sally Falkow APR, PR Trainer of the Year:
Although most companies have moved from the experimentation phase to the integration of social media with their marketing and customer service, research shows that only 35 percent are monitoring the online conversations and although the number is increasing every year, just 40 percent are measuring their social media ROI.
One way to get ROI from social media is to do a social media audit and use the online conversations as a research pool. The recent digital Crisis Preparedness study from Burson-Marstellar showed that 65 percent of the companies polled do not know who the key online thought leaders are among their customers or in the social digerati, yet these are the people who will shape the narrative around a brand and amplify messages – positive or negative. Most companies do not know how how to map their social grap
The SMC SGV meetings are open to the public.