The Webster's parking lot was a good place to get your goat (or sheep or rabbit) as Danny's Farm returned to Altadena Friday night. The former local fixture, code-bombed all the way to Cal Poly Pomona by county zoning regulations, is now the sponsor of Fancy Food Truck Fridays. More after the jump.
The Danny's Farm mobile petting farm made its local debut.
From left, Meredith Miller (Webster's Community Pharmacy), Cathy Gott (Danny's Farm) and Dr. Broc Sandelin of Cal Poly Pomona. Sandelin helped convince the Gott family that the petting farm could have a new home at Pomona.
Minnie and Daisy (not sure which is which!) are two new denizens of the farm -- they formerly lived at Disneyland.
Oh, yes -- there were food trucks, too!