Learn about the latest tools for space exploration including robotics to explore other planets and stars and the search for life in the cosmos at the program "Space Exploration: What’s Up" with Dr. Randii Wessen at the main Altadena Library on Friday, November 4 at 7:00 p.m. This free program sponsored by the Friends of the Altadena Library is suitable for all ages and will take place in the library’s Community Room.
Dr. Wessen, a “rocket scientist” based at Pasadena’s Jet Propulsion Lab, helps design future robotic missions to explore other planets and telescopes to see other stars. Previously he was a member of the Mars Exploration Rovers, Mars Odyssey, Cassini, Galileo and Voyager flight teams. He is a Fellow of both the Royal Astronomical Society and the British Interplanetary Society, and an Associate Fellow of the American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics. And Asteroid 31664 (Randiiwessen) is named in his honor.
The address of the main Altadena Library is 600 East Mariposa Street, 91001. For more information, visit www.altadenalibrary.org or call 626-798-0833.